Aix-Marseille Université

A propos d’Aix-Marseille Université

Université de premier plan au cœur de la méditerranée, Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) accueille 80 000 étudiants et près de 8 000 personnels sur 5 campus aux standards internationaux. Sa fondation universitaire A*Midex contribue au développement d’un pôle interdisciplinaire d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche de rang mondial. Dite « université de recherche intensive » elle abrite 122 structures de recherche, 20 instituts et une cinquantaine de plateformes technologiques en lien avec les grands organismes nationaux. Université responsable et engagée, Aix-Marseille Université s’illustre dans les classements internationaux par son impact social et sociétal ainsi que pour son rôle moteur en matière d’innovation et d’entrepreneuriat sur son territoire.

About Aix-Marseille Université

Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) is the largest French-speaking university in the world, hosting 80,000 students and nearly 8,000 staff. The university owns its architectural heritage. It has 5 large campuses meeting international standards, and is spread over 9 major cities in 4 French departments. Its University Foundation A*Midex, which supports the IDEX, contributes to the development of a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary centre of world-class higher education and research. Known as an “intensive research university”, the university boasts 113 research units linked to the major national organizations. AMU places interdisciplinarity at the heart of its strategy and training programmes. It has set up Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Research Poles (PR2I), Territorial Innovation Poles (PIT), and access for economic actors to labelled technological platforms. The Aix-Marseille City of Innovation and Knowledge (CISAM) and 15 institutes strengthen the ties between research and education. A responsible and committed university, Aix-Marseille Université encourages the values of living together in harmony and makes its anti-discrimination and CSR policy a priority – something for which it has been distinguished in international rankings. Widely open to the world since its creation (10,000 international students and more than 40 diplomas in international partnership), the university has been awarded the European Commission’s call for projects to build “CIVIS, a European Civic University” with 8 European partners, contributing to the major societal challenges facing Africa and the Mediterranean in particular.